About Us

What some call Naive
I call HONEST.
What some call Foolish
What some call a hard choice
I call a BACK BONE.

Flo Pitcher

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We believe everyone deserves their dreams. We hope our friends stop by to see us to ride and socialize a bit now and then.

At Pitcher Ranch, horses are our highest priority,....right after FUN!

Our History
This is Jim and Flo circa 1994....

Who would have guessed HE was the Deacon's son?
Cowboy meets Cowgirl, but cowboy looks like a biker LOL!

Jim and Flo Pitcher have a combined 50 years experience starting and training green horses. Both grew up with horses as part of their family and lifestyle. The parents of both Jim and Flo still keep equines. Jim's folks raise Peruvian Paso's and Appaloosa's, while Flo's folks keep and raise dapple Percherons.

Jim and Flo have chosen to keep and breed fine quality AQHA. Both have lived in Alaska for over 2 decades.
Our horses are our best friends.

Pitcher Ranch (907) 373-1457